My grandfather had
Disdain for all ethnic
Groups Irish were Micks
Jews were
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My grandfather had
Disdain for all ethnic
Groups Irish were Micks
Jews were
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He had an orange, irregular shaped stain on his white tank top, and the thought of it brought heaviness to his lungs. He hated it, despised it. He appreciated symmetry in things, including color, it ... [+]
We drove south on York Road, passing the large brick house that always stole my attention. I peered past my mother's arms and the steering wheel, to take another long, unblinking look. The exterio ... [+]
My neighbors’ American flag hangs over their porch
and looks so bedraggled I guess they
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He could be any professor with thick glasses,
graying hair, the turned slant of his eyes
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They are fighting in the library:
whether or not to label classic books,
the well-loved
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There once was a thriving village ruled by a council of elders. Crops grew strong, bellies stretched wide, and rivers were inviolable. Neighbors were allies. One day, when the sun was at its highest ... [+]
'I guess we don't know what's real or unreal . . . ' - Anne Rice
One day in midsummer the snow on the meadow turns red. All Simi can do is prepare for the end of the world. She thinks she
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“Put on your mask,” Victoria said.
“What?” asked Michael.
“We have to wear a mask. I wear a mask and you wear a mask,” answered Victoria.
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He was reaching for the top shelf then stopped. He moved his eyes to the next, lower shelf down and chose a jar. His hair was sheet white and his body frame resembled my father, tall and heavy set ... [+]
The dryad who lives inside the oak tree has been terrorizing the condo building dwellers for generations. She throws acorns and pours sap and drops pollen on their cars, and causes severe allergies ... [+]
Boo barked and danced in a circle, which meant Ethan Salazar was at the door. Ethan grew strawberries and vegetables on his truck farm in Madison, CT. He was something of a celebrity at the ... [+]
"There's a likely spot," Chris said. He nodded in the direction of the highway bridge. The bridge carried traffic over a culvert and a utility road that led from a shabby warehouse district into the ... [+]
She didn't think herself a racist. She'd had black school friends, worked with black women at the restaurant, and watched Oprah daily.
But when her seven-year-old, white daughter brought home a
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“We are gathered here today to unite this...”
John Lennon's Imagine fills the magnificent cathedral with music understood by us all.
The only one willing to perform this legal ceremony
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Midnight Rendez-vous
In our land, fishing is not just for surviving, it is a way of life. I've been on fishing boats earlier than I've been standing on my feet, the same goes for the othe
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During the time of the ancient world in this land, the color was a gift of light granted to us to determine the vitality of plants, animals, and the weather. What our eyes would not see our ears ... [+]
I’m a million persons.
I am Black.
It is the color of my roots,
my unknown family
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