Short Fiction Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction


Eszter Molnar

My shift is over. And not a minute too soon. I'm on the verge of tears. I'll have to be back in less than seven hours. My armpits are clammy, I'm feeling uncomfortable, and I just want to go home and ... [+]

Short Fiction

Last Breath

L N Hunter

They always say the final sense to go is hearing, but touch lasts right 'til the end. Not over the whole body, though; I can't feel Dot's hand in mine, but this fucking diaper itches like blazes. I ... [+]

Short Fiction

Good Bones

Corrie Haldane

The realtor moves from room to room in silence. Charlotte and I follow, anxiously awaiting his verdict.   Through the kitchen, the living room, the study. Upstairs, in and out of bedrooms. He ... [+]

Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction


Lisa Beebe

We bought the land to build a house, even though we knew it would be years before we could afford to build anything. We thought of it as an investment in our future. The land gave us something to look ... [+]

Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction


Zachary Kellian

The kitten-shaped egg timer on the corner of the mattress beeps and they switch positions. Now she is cradling him. His head rests on her slender left arm; her right arm she drapes around his waist ... [+]

Short Fiction

Disappearing Acts

Erin Kirsh

When she left, Anita took Mom's valise, the round one with the wooden handle from Eaton's department store. Mom was furious. She'd had it on hold at the store for weeks while she earned enough to ... [+]

Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction

Bar Lines

Kris Loughlin

The first time it really hits me, I'm staring at the peeling paint on the doorknob.
I long ago memorized the feeling of coming home – the click of my key in the door, the scent of Mom's stir fry ... [+]