Helping Educators build a love of reading and writing

Our mission, as an international publishing house, is to help you engage students around literature, to spark creativity across classrooms: English, foreign language, and social studies. Short Edition offers so many random, quick bites of fiction and creative non-fiction, to help students learn to enjoy reading.
The idea of ‘creative idleness’ by reading for pleasure, can be a 1min, 3min, or 5min moment traveling through another story or realm. Because big ideas are often born in idle moments when reading a short story, poem, or comic strip.
Your school’s mission is also to invite culture in many different forms that seem conducive to Short Edition’s offer of free short literature to inspire all young, diverse creatives.

EdTech for playful writing projects in class
Everyone has a story to tell and Short Edition offers solutions that enable schools to publish & showcase their student’s works, both online and across the Short Story Dispensers, Cubes & Discs.
Tweens and young teens have many interests, opinions, and ideas that teachers can help draw out and shape.
Showcase Student talent
Playful, meaningful addition to the Library and classrooms

We are so pleased with the addition of the Short Story Cube at the Philipsburg-Osceola Middle School. It is a great addition to our library and classrooms. The length of the stories and genre selections make it a very popular choice for middle school students. The support from the company also needs to be recognized. They are professional, timely and responsive.

Susan Harris,
Philipsburg-Osceola Middle School,
Philipsburg, Pennsylvania

"I can do that too!"

We are delighted to have the Dispenser in our school. It gives our middle school writers the satisfaction of going through the entire writing process from brainstorming to revising to editing to actually publishing. One of our writers affirms that “pulling out your own story and seeing your name at the top - there is just nothing in the world like it.” Seeing their hard work literally in other people’s hands gives them a feeling of victory. What’s more, when students read well-written short pieces, it inspires them to say to themselves, “I can do that, too.”
Julie Forbes and Jennifer Pingrieux,
English & Creative Writing Teachers, American School of Paris Middle School, Paris, France
Showcase student talent
Developing a love of reading, where access to books is scarce

We are delighted to be the very first school in the UK to have a Story Cube! It is inspiring young writers and even staff competitions are up and running. When the children realised that they could share their stories online with family and friends as well as then being chosen from the Cube they were amazed! One child explained that it had made them feel like a real author and that they would be inspired to write more!
The addition of the Story Cube at Temple Learning Academy has kick started writing for pleasure in all year groups which in turn has brought the writing process to life for our children!
Thank you to all the members of the Short Edition who have got us up and running with so much passion and support!

Stuart Huddleston,
Principal at Temple Learning Academy
Leeds, UK

Alex Clark,
Deputy Principal, Primary

And here are some of our innovative school partners:

How to Create a Reading & Writing Culture
Content is key and we have been innovating over the past 12 years with writers worldwide, to help organisations, both large & small, reach this goal and offer various tools to create playful and memorable reading and writing experiences.
Short Edition’s Software
The management tool for all project managers

The Short Story Portal, is the software gateway to all of the published content, written by paid writers worldwide, in Short Edition’s collections. The Portal is also a tool to curate, edit and publish student content, and it is connected to all of our hardware solutions to make literature accessible, at the push of a button or via QR code.
The backend of the Portal allows administrators easy access to monitor devices at a distance, configure content for different audiences instantly, and see reporting statistics on how many stories were offered, distribution per button, and includes a built-in creative writing platform. This platform is the launchpad for your writing projects and contests for all disciplines, either in the classroom or across campus.

Short Edition’s Hardware Solutions
Short Story Dispenser, Short Story Cube & Short Story Disc
The iconic Short Story Dispenser

With the Short Story Dispenser, seek to combine rebellion and innovation to create unplugged community spaces in the library, University center, around campus and beyond. Be guilty of committing random acts of culture across all your campuses!
As part of your outreach program, you can also offer free, accessible reading in unexpected places across town while placing Dispensers where your future students the bus station, in a school, at the community center, or airport... All roads can lead to your campus.
Your library, humanities department, marketing, arts or innovation team can lead the initiative to build an innovative ‘storied campus’, while also celebrating diversity and fostering inclusion.
Fiction connects and Short Story Dispensers provide libraries countless ways to inspire student engagement and creative connections.
The Short Story Cube

The Short Story Cube is a more portable version of the Short Story Dispenser for teachers on the go, and they may be shared from classroom to classroom. The Cube is a new, tabletop tool with the same technology as the Dispenser, to offer stories on an eco-friendly scroll, at the welcome desk in the library, or in within the classroom. Students are thrilled to go home with their polished, printed stories, poetry & comic strips. Foreign language professors love to teach with the short bites of fiction & classics in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German...
The Cube is destined to provide new energy and a fresh beat to intense screen-based learning by allowing educators to conduct a symphony of stories, at their fingertips, and a new kind of literary pulse.
The Short Story Disc

The Short Story Disc is the 100% digital version of our innovative solutions to access all our content, which you select, and readers simply scan one of the QR codes to read as much as they wish on their smartphone.
The digital experience is just as remarkable, and something memorable as readers access random stories, poems, and comics while discovering the Short Story Disc at the school cafeteria, in the rec center or during after school programs.
This solution allows schools a greater reach, encouraging literacy and literature where students are.