Helping you elevate the patient experience

Our mission, as an international publishing house, is to help you provide engaging content, another art form, to improve wait times and soothe anxiety in your hospital or doctor’s office. Short Edition offers so many random, quick bites of fiction and creative non-fiction, that contribute to the patient experience in the most positive way, and offer a positive distraction.
The idea of ‘creative idleness’ by reading for pleasure, can be a 1min, 3min, or 5min moment traveling through another story or realm. Because big ideas are often born in idle moments when reading a short story, poem, or comic strip. Let’s associate these idle moments with your hospital, clinic or doctor’s office.
Enhance your patient experience
The Power of Stories & the Power of Healing

Doylestown Health is proud to be the first healthcare system in the United States to partner with Short Édition. Offering short stories as a brief respite is just one way we put the needs of our patients and community first. We believe the power of stories – just like the power of healing – is vital to improving lives and ensuring a more vibrant and healthier world.

Laura Wortman,
Vice President & Chief Advancement Officer
Doylestown Health, Doylestown, Pennsylvania

How to improve your patient journey with a literary lift, or bibliotherapy
Content is key and we have been innovating over the past 12 years with writers worldwide, to help organisations, both large & small, reach this goal and offer various tools to create playful and memorable reading and writing experiences.

Short Edition’s Software
The management tool for all project managers

The Short Story Portal, is the software gateway to all of the published content, written by paid writers worldwide, in Short Edition’s collections. The Portal is also a tool to curate, edit and publish local content, and it is connected to all of our hardware solutions to make literature accessible, at the push of a button for a clean paper-based version, or via QR code.
The backend of the Portal allows administrators easy access to monitor devices at a distance, configure content for different audiences instantly, and see reporting statistics on how many stories were offered, and distribution per button.
Short Edition’s Hardware Solutions
Short Story Dispenser & Short Story Disc
The iconic Short Story Dispenser

With the Short Story Dispenser, seek to combine rebellion and innovation to create unplugged relaxing spaces in the emergency room, oncology, children’s ward, or any waiting area.
- Innovate the patient experience
- Differentiate your care center
- Soothe anxiety and emotions
- Improve wait times
- Art for free & a free gift from you!
Foster enhanced customer satisfaction and build a more compassionate connection with your patients by transforming their healthcare experience with the power of storytelling.
Fiction connects and Short Story Dispensers provide care centers with countless ways to inspire patients and create connections.
We currently have more than 500 Dispensers installed around the world from San Francisco to Philadelphia, Hong Kong, London & Paris. Here are some of our healthcare partners:

Video testimonial
The Short Story Disc

Augment the engaging experience with the Short Story Dispenser and Discs to reach patients and their families, where they are in all of your waiting rooms.
The Short Story Disc is the 100% digital version of our innovative solutions to access all our content, which you select, and readers simply scan one of the QR codes to read as much as they wish on their smartphone.
The digital experience is just as remarkable, and something memorable as readers access random stories, poems, and comics while waiting for their appointment.
This solution allows healthcare providers to make free literature available throughout the hospital and waiting areas.