Short FictionShort Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction


Karen Heuler

"Who are you?" her mother asked.
"I'm your daughter, Alice."
"I know that. But I mean, who are you?" Her mother's eyes locked onto hers; she was clutching Alice's eyes. What did she mean ... [+]

Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction


Sarah Blake

When they first moved in, the forest was big and lush behind the apartment building. It was the entire view through the kitchen window, standing at the sink washing dishes. Birds were often in the ... [+]

Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction


Meredith Harper

The garbage can is full again. I drag it inside and empty it over the floor, adding to the foot of water already standing in the house. The bathtub and the sinks have been running nonstop fo ... [+]

Short Fiction

Call It What You Will

Donald Ryan

The doctors, explaining the consent form, referred to him as an allergen. That's the only reason he could figure they prescribed Claritin. Well, technically they didn't prescribe Claritin, being ... [+]

Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction
Short Fiction