To experience a Southern, Summer Night
Is really quite a treat
From the crickets, to trees
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To experience a Southern, Summer Night
Is really quite a treat
From the crickets, to trees
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Huff and puff went Abe, his short legs brough him across the wide grass plain. He held his favored toy truck in both of his hands.
“Hello!” He shouted into the trees. “I’m back!” His
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I let go of my most important friendship. I bad-mouthed my parents under my breath. I constantly searched for approval.
I met people who were more successful than me and compared myself to
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The road stretched across the desert like a flattened serpent. It was a highway, but was rarely used anymore. A new highway had been constructed that traveled in a much straighter line. This old one ... [+]
It hung right above her bed, a spot of color on the white wall of her dorm room. Every morning, she woke up to the picture looming over her.
Why did she have it up? Of all the possible
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The beast sunk into his chair, hazily gazing at the ceiling of the darkened room, nothing but the faint glow of fire and moonlight illuminating the outline of his satin throws and pillows. As he tried ... [+]
I tiptoed out of the car, immediately felt the force of frigid air against my face, heard the gravel crunch beneath my shoes. It was just me, the sound of my shifting footsteps, and a vast, dark ... [+]
Oh, you want me to do this now? And in how long?
TICK I don’t think I work well under pressure
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The first time I saw
The girl with no umbrella,
She was standing on the curb.
I didn't stop
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There was once was a lady that lived in a shoe
She had lots of kids, and knew not what to do
She had twenty children, but they all were lazy.
They wouldn't do anything, and it drove he
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The familiar scent of earl gray tea sends me back to my grandma's living room. When I was in elementary school, I'd come over multiple times a week and we'd sit on her off-white couch drinking black ... [+]
It is a lonely life chasing inspiration.
Perhaps there are those who believe my eight sisters and I to be wellsprings of idea, belief, and inspiration; but one cannot enliven that which is dead
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My heart reaches out.
I try to say something, anything.
I hear the word “Sorry.”
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looking through golden lashes
dazzled by the sun,
birds in flight
light flashing
off of
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