I woke up from my dream to see a flash of blackness appearing in the corner. I didn't notice and ... [+]
It's dark and stormy, and I'm home alone. About twenty minutes ago I hopped in the shower for a quick rinse. But now that I think about it, I'm not sure actually how long ago it was. It could've been ... [+]
Floating, weightless, in salty currents, my mind reclines into nothingness. Fluttering cerebellum pulsing its way to equilibrium, I fix my breath on the darkness expanding for miles behind my eyelids ... [+]
Pome and human
spawned from seed.
Safe in germination
an embryonic refuge.
... [+]
she does not like to speak about feminism
because she loves men
because she has never felt the
... [+]
[ a poem about being hard of hearing ]
i cannot hear the ticking of clocks.
i cannot hea
... [+]
He was young, but even in his young years Jacob Evers taught me more about life than any college professor I've known. When we were seven years old I loved to pick the sunflowers from the meadow ... [+]
The sun beats down and heats the parking lot asphalt
On a sunny California day,
That makes the
... [+]
I put on my mink jacket and sunglasses and began to drive to a local parking lot. The air, despite it being April, felt brisk that day, almost like the weather understood what I was about to do. As I ... [+]
I was almost certain there was no one in that house.
Sometimes I saw the garage light on but, I mean, if it was electric anything could trigger it. There was a cat door and so I assumed
... [+]
I drink from yesterday
and taste the tangible tang of nostalgia,
that golden age feeling.
... [+]
Why can't I write the feeling
of this city?
The floors are warped and the paint is
... [+]
I'm dead again.
Another quick trip across the Styx or whatever one wishes to call this black void and
I'll be back on my feet.
I wonder who I will be in this life.
Man or woman?
... [+]
I'm really sorry, Mr. Hogan. I didn't mean to get in trouble. I really do have a good explanation, I really do!
It's just that I always get hungry when I sit behind Maggie. You see, she has
... [+]
It wouldn't matter that much, whether we lived or died. It mattered to us, sure, but in general, I mean. We would be just one more frozen corpse on a mountain. Like ornaments on a tree. This tree ... [+]