Short Fiction

5 Cupcakes in South Bend, Indiana

Kate Nanovic

There was trouble in the air. My naïveté did not sense it. The distrust. The greed. Nobody could sense its forthcoming. It was September of 2013, and my family and I were heading to a celebration ... [+]

Creative Nonfiction

Fragrance of Laughter

Vansh Malhotra

A blood-curdling scream of fear silently echoed through my veins as I woke up from a nightmare that left me paralyzed. Sweat started dripping from my head as the uncertainty of life shook my whole ... [+]

Short Fiction


Cassie Keene

I watch you light a cigarette through the hazy glass and, avoiding my gaze, turn your wedding ring around absentmindedly. You slip it off into your pocket, the outline of the ring making an imprint in ... [+]

Short Fiction

Trapped In a Jar

Vansh Malhotra

My lungs became sore from screaming, but their ears did not become deaf from hearing as I continuously kept pleading to them to let me go. My head started to spin, and I felt pukish enclosed in that ... [+]



Emily Stumpo

Words on paper
meaning within letters.
deciphering descriptions.
Nonsense metaphors ... [+]

Short Fiction
Creative Nonfiction


Elizabeth Prickett

"Can I have a fry? They look good today."
She leans forward, hand perched over the spuds like a vulture.
"No," he chuckles, swatting her hand away. "I asked and you said you didn't want any." ... [+]



Xiangkai ZHU

I woke up from my dream to see a flash of blackness appearing in the corner. I didn't notice and ... [+]

Short Fiction

Showering Dreams

Matt Mandel

It's dark and stormy, and I'm home alone. About twenty minutes ago I hopped in the shower for a quick rinse. But now that I think about it, I'm not sure actually how long ago it was. It could've been ... [+]

Short Fiction

Élan Vital

Devin Glenn

Floating, weightless, in salty currents, my mind reclines into nothingness. Fluttering cerebellum pulsing its way to equilibrium, I fix my breath on the darkness expanding for miles behind my eyelids ... [+]
