Sickly sweet sap drips down from the trees. This sticky forest cries for us because it knows what we must do. What I must do. Our armor protects us from the leaking trees. I'm careful not to step off the path, dragging the wriggling bag behind me. 
The lilac hue of the sky stars to dip into the dark green of night. The strongest out of all the final years got chosen to drag the female up the hill. Two other final years dredge behind, here to help. Only two days ago my name flashed into the visor of every resident  of forever. An honor to keep up the 2,000 year old tradition. I blink my glassy pink eyes , dyed for the occasion. 
The earth is dead. The humans along with it. Or at least it easier to think like that. Was easier to think that way. 

History is learned by all the young's in forever. We know what the humans did to the earth. Their only home steamed by the cosmos as a direct result of their actions. 

We will never be like that. The humans always wanted more. 

We finally reach the clearing  on the hill and I drag the bag to the top. The bag is heavily insulated on the inside, or im sure I could hear the human on the inside. 

Those that survived live in squalor, fighting for recourses. We've been told there aren't many humans left. 
Our ancestors were different, we are different. A new home waited for us beyond the stars. Forever. 

I've never seen a human. No one has, in a long time. The tradition only happens ever 200 years. 

My peers and I work in silence as we open the bag. It must have been scary for Albert to process the human. Metal teeth and glinting eyes as it took the female from the only home the the human ever knew. Earth isn't very far, but no one on forever has ever been. Besides Albert, but because he's a robot he doesn't count. 
I try to shake off my feelings and I  remind myself the human is nothing more than an animal. It will be like hunting. 

The female tumbles out of the bag and shrieks. In the mud, the human is  scrambling away from us. 

The females face is covered in a suit similar to ours. When being processed Albert  dresses them to ensure they are comfortable. Humans can breathe on forever, but it's harder for them to. 

Under the suit, I imagine fur and claws. Things that would cause me true horror, evil, but I'm glad I won't see. 

Albert will dispose of the female later, while the festivities commence. When the female sees the glint of my knife it runs. I knew the female would run, but I didn't want to do this part, the chase.

"Help me." I yell to my peers. We all break out in a run after the female. Our class is so big this year I'm not even sure of their names, but whatever I say until after our mission is complete they will do. 

We've been briefed that they are fast, but the human quickly gets lost in the forest. Within minutes my peers have the female pinned down. 

Humans can't speak. Animal noises escape from under the mask as my peers grab the limbs that thrash out. 

I sit on top of the human, trying to keep it still. 

I pull my knife out and it thrashes harder. Humans die all the time. It's not any different if this one dies now. Earth cannot sustain them anymore 

In my hesitation the humans arm has broken free from my peers hold and is pulling at my mask. It clatters into the mud beside me. I didn't have time to pin up my hair today and my black hair falls to frame my face. 

Within seconds the human is also tearing its mask off. My peers are finally able to pin the female down again. 

There must be a mistake. The human doesn't have fur or sharp teeth, but looks like me, like my mother, my grandmother. It's already too late. 

I've stabbed the female. I've stabbed her. 

She chokes and cries out as blood colors the white of her suit. Her eyes, her nose, her teeth all look the same as mine, but where there should be the pink flesh of tongue it is black. Did the people of earth do that to her? Did Albert? 

She dies quickly. No time for songs or apology's. I stand, dropping my knife to the ground. My peers stand too. 

"Aren't you supposed to bring that back?" 

I shake my head. Something yellow shines from around her neck. I grab it. 

"I'll bring this back instead." 
The heart shape locket has pictures inside. Two other humans are there. A female and a male. Maybe her parents. I would never know.

"There will be no celebration tonight." 

The three of us make our way back to the city below. 

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