The cool breeze drifts in from the Pacific Ocean through the banana plant leaves. Shadows dance across the pastel pallet of the bedspread; the charcoal nude woman looks over her shoulder. Jesus ... [+]
“Hey do you know anything about that?” I ask
“Yeah. Apparently her name’s Grace, but she’s known as Apple Tosser due to throwing apples at people with messages on them. She was last seen in January. Rumor has it that she’s being held hostage at a laboratory, and she’s being used as an experiment.” The girl explains
“Oh My Gosh that’s horrible.” I respond
“Yeah, it’s depressing to see that.”
When I returned home, that’s all that was on my mind. Was that the same girl who threw the apple at me as a message for help? Could it be true?
The next day I begin to look on the same street that I found the contraption on 2 years ago. I look strange, as if I should just hold up a sign that says “Did you happen to see a giant circle looking thingy around here” I stop in the middle of the street again, and I see the same memory. I saw a fish market. But instead of a Fish market, there is a Pizzeria. I go in there to hopefully find information.
“Hello. Do you know if there was a fish market here 2 years ago?” I ask hopefully
“You mean Joe? Yeah he doesn’t work here anymore. He went off to be a scientist in a laboratory.” The lady responded.
“Scientist huh? Do you know what he was working on, specifically 2 years ago?”
“Yeah. Some circular contraption. It’s down the street, no more questions kid, unless you’re going to order something.” The lady said in a rude tone.
I headed to the laboratory and snuck inside. It was so hightech that it was basically powered by AI. I turn and see doors labeled 1,2,3,4,5. I go to door 5 where it has experiments. No wonder it was called an experiment door, it had over 1000 experiments. I go to 2015-2018 experiments. I grab the bobby pin from my hair and pick the lock to the 3 year projects. I grab the person’s sweaty palm and pull them up.
“Sydney? Is that you?”