cliffs stand out to sea
shore cracks and crazes
waves crash upon themselves
... [+]
cliffs stand out to sea
shore cracks and crazes
waves crash upon themselves
... [+]
An Oracle stepped into the centre of the village, surrounded by villagers. There was a clearing that was bordered by busy shops filled with bustling people. It was as if everyone was out, waiting fo ... [+]
The mirror startled her. She did not see it right away, not until she had already gone several steps past it. Her inability to immediately recognize the mirror was not simply a lack of awareness ... [+]
My nana has an accent.
The blood still drips into her sentences.
Fear made her deny her home
... [+]
He was a soldier. Was. The distinction should mean something but it still felt like he was fighting in an endless battle. But, now, the war is of a different kind. He was drafted five years ago as a ... [+]
a sparrow whistles
as the air thickens
and twists itself
into tiny whirlwinds
... [+]
You will meet a man who tells you we are all made of the stuff of stars. That our bodies hold the carbon and nitrogen and helium and oxygen atoms that formed the ancestors of stars we see today. He'll ... [+]
Pushing, driving
Ever forward
If I can just make it to that next level
Past that exam
... [+]
An ominous feeling hangs in the night air, so silent yet filled with evil. A man dressed in a trench coat and a hoodie huddles under a street lamp. In the distance sits an abandoned house that used to ... [+]
I bounce back and forth between how long it feels like since I was in high school. Like a century and one week at the same time. I could endlessly flip through the blurry stack of memories, many of ... [+]
You said that you would only stay one night.
I made you tea and let you use my bed
then tucked
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I sat along the River End
in a field of young hyacinth.
I watched a murder of crows descend
... [+]
His smile was the brightest one I'd ever seen like sunshine on a rainy day. But it hadn't made an appearance in the longest of times.
He woke up each day as I laid in bed beside him. He
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Rumor has it the lake is a graveyard, she says.
There are bones down there, tumbled smooth and
... [+]
People always describe the weather during funerals. They do it in books or movies. It's either raining, and: wow, how fitting, right? Or, it's bright and sunny, and: how dare the sun shine during this ... [+]