When you are born into a burning home,
Every ounce of light seems to be a catalyst.
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When you are born into a burning home,
Every ounce of light seems to be a catalyst.
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The backdoor slammed as you stormed out. The loud strike of blinds hit the door and caught up to the slam – the last noticeable telling of your previous presence. I sat on the floor. The others ... [+]
The ultimate catch of the midsummer day was not a fish of any sort - it was a child. The youngin wriggled at the end of the line, dumbfounding the fisherman who had caught them. Still, of good ... [+]
A selfish part of me wants you
to die, a quick and painless
death, maybe in a car crash.
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There was a new museum on the corner of Parksby Street. What was most peculiar was that the museum looked ancient already, but signs had not even been put up advertising what was on display inside ... [+]
Heaven Saviors was a girl destined for revelation. Orphaned at only 3 days old, Heaven's fate was sealed by the clouds and alien motherships. Her grandparents were visiting to celebrate the birth of ... [+]
I saw your hands.
After working all day,
you came home
and chopped past sundown.
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I found God out behind the church last week,
Its many limbs broken like twigs,
Its body a lump
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My face is full of flowers;
Given or gathered, who knows?
Whichever the scenario,
They seem
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have you ever watched a video of a tsunami?
the water drawn back like a bow
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To be a good woman seems a noble thing
A woman like the Bible ones
That we were told in
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When you die, you find yourself in a cross between a mailroom and a public library. Depending on your experiences with those two services while you were alive, you might be inclined to make some snap ... [+]
Alone, on a chilly Valentine's day,
a walk to a shop in Mong Kok,
was the most crowded place
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I'm Nepantling, as I have been.
Nepantla is the borderland, the in-between.
But much more than
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