Ten Years and Fifteen Days

"My love is dead."
Her eyes were red
As she told her tale of woe.
"He disappeared
And died ten years
And fifteen days ago."

The pub was still.
We watched her fill
Her beer mug up with tears.
"Oh, how did I
Even survive
Without him these ten years?"

The whole pub stirred
As we all heard
The woman's anguished cries.
"Oh, cheer up, now,"
We urged. "But how?
I never said goodbye."

We rose and rushed
To her and hushed
Her loud sobs even more,
When in the fray
A man in gray
Came bursting through the door!

He looked and gasped
And smiled and clasped
His pale hands to his chest.
"My dear Marie,
You're here!" Said he.
He said, "Oh, I've been blessed!

"I've searched for you
Ten winters through!
Ten years and fifteen days.
I've crossed the seas
And fought disease.
I've trudged through fog and haze.

"I've shot pirates,
I've picked up bits
Of wild swashbuckling too.
I fled the rogues
Who took me so
That I may be with you.

"Marie, don't cry!
I did not die,
There's life within me yet!
And now I'm here
And you, my dear
Are as lovely as when we met.

"So, take my hand?
In sickness and
In health we'll spend our time.
Please be my wife!
Complete my life!
I want you to be mine."

We could not speak,
No sound nor squeak.
We stood silent and awed.
Then finally,
The woman shrieked
And said, "You could have called!"

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