The Way my Mind Works

The faded white of my bedroom walls filled my vision as I awoke in a cold sweat. The street lights outside causing me an uneasy feeling. No matter how many attempts I made to escape this hellish place I always end up returning. These walls once gave me a feeling of nirvana, pure serenity. Until I let it in. It was out to get me and I knew it, yes I had the power to keep it at bay but sometimes it’d break loose and unleash havoc on my life. Friends were now a thing of the past, along with tranquil days. I never should’ve let it get this atrocious but I just couldn’t ask for help. Just looking around these four walls gave me a feeling of emptiness. A loud crash snapped me out of my thoughts. I gasped and quickly pulled the duvet over my head. Tears pricked my eyes as the crashes became louder.
“Please” I sobbed out brokenly, not even believing myself. After a while the scars I endured stopped fazing me. Talking to my elders would do close to nothing for me, they would never understand. How could they?
They’d tell me it’s just my mind, and they would be right.
This relentless pounding would get to me after a while. I had to get away.
The bangs became louder and more belligerent, I couldn’t fight back. The deadly hold it had on me never allowed me the chance to. I clamped my hands around my ears and screamed.
Then blackness consumed me. So here I am once again, laying in the protection of my faded four walls. In the protection of a monster I created by mistake.

A monster I could no longer fight. That monster, being myself.

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