I was sitting alone one day in this dive bar back in 2010 after long car road I made for a work trip. I don't remember much of this bar but I do remember this creepy guy walking into the bar. He joined me in the booth I was sitting at and at the moment didn't care I was on the road for 8 hours non-stop and wanted a cold one and a burger. I wish I cared more because he asked I want to hear a story. Now I may not remember the much of that night I pulled off the road in this bar but I do remember one thing clearly and that was this man. He had yellow eyes like a snake, face missing a part of lip and the smelt like death warmed over. Perhaps the alcohol was buzzing in my veins or I just wanted entertainment so I said "Sure man". He told me this story about a town I had pulled into and what happened way back in the 80's. 
He talked about a horrifying rumor that kids would say about in the town about a man. Man was said to be one of the last of the older generation of the town way before the mining companies took over and before the place was truly a town. The house he lived in was a shack and he said and always looked like it was falling in on itself. Being only hold up by grace of god he said. House that was more shack than had an evil air he said. You felt wrong by even turning your eyes towards the shack and the man living there.
He said " The adults of the town ignored him and the house" and chalked up to the children believing in a fairy tale. However there was something they couldn't ignore. How he always had a smell of dead animals and how bones seem to fill his yard. It wasn't abnormal for that area, "We were a hunting community. People hunted deer and birds so to see bones and smell wasn't very out of the norm" he said, staring at me. Now that I remember that man most certainly had a crazed look in eye when was talking to me. 
To the town folks he was just a creepy old broken by time but for many of the kids of the town he was the boogieman. He seemed to terrorize them in a way. Always off watching them, they kids said. Threatening for even being near him or his home. Kids tried to talk about the man and his threats but town folks just chalked it up to him being a grumpy old man. 
That all changed in the summer of ‘83. Now there was a swimming hole near the old man house. Adults and kids would go down there for a dip but for some reason that summer kids started to go missing. When the kids would show up their eyes were gouged out and had weird runes carved into them. Now remember this was during the satanic panic and this threw the town into a frenzy. They thought some cult had moved into one the mines out in the quarry or perhaps satan himself had come down to this town. What they all thought was going on they knew the old man had something to do with it.
"Why do you think" he asked, lips turning into what I think was a smile. " I don't know," I responded. He grabbed my hands and pulled me close and said "The smell from his house" in a hissing way. "The man was doing something to those kids in that house and you could smell it" hissing again in my ear. I struggled trying to make him let go of my hands but he just pulled me closer.  So close I could get that smell from him he was talking about. He started to smell like rotting flesh. As he had me in his grip he hissed more of his tell.
The man was trying to gain back his youth he explained through some type of satanic ritual. Trying to be the man he once was before the world broke him. He was using the children and their souls for this. However he wasn't only one trying to be immortal he had help that's for sure. Scared I asked him "W-why y-you say-y that?".  He said with this creepy smile on his face "Who did you think would help him? He was well over 80 and had a limp. He needed someone strong to carry bodies and such".  He then tightened his grip even more on me and said to a more shrill voice " And know how he awarded me for helping him". He loosen one hand to point to the scar running from lip to eye " Did this to more! He ruined my face". He then started laughing like a mad man and he finally let go of me. As soon as he did that I slid fast out of that booth and out that bar. He kept saying "Uncle...uncle...UNCLE! You ruined now I stuck like this forever". I didn't hear more about what he was as I was just trying to get away from this mad man. Even though I shouldn't have with me surely being a bit drunk but I got in my car and sped off like my life depended on till I got to the place I needed to be.
Even now thinking back on the story I can't remember if this really happened to me or the alcohol just messed with my mind. I did look it up and in the summer of 1983  and the town I made the mistake pulling into. To my horrifying surprise there was a series of murders that happened in that area and there was an old man arrested for the murders. But those news stories never did mention if the man had help or not but did mention a nephew they thought was sacrificed too because they never did find him or his body.

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