You stare as the fence silently pulses, ready to shock curious sheep away. The pulse gives them time to retreat, to let go. If the power was continuous, you and the sheep would be stuck, glued to ... [+]
Its ravenous sickly heart throbbing
Its veins probing, pumping, leeching
Climbing, climbing climbing,
Chasing, grabbing, snatching
Its foaming mouth
Its bloodshot eyes
Wild and searching for glory and gold
Glory and gold
Glory and gold
You are not like the others.
You illuminate, you invigorate
You bring beauty, loveliness, and pure joy
You are the stars in the firmament,
The sunbeam’s golden kiss
From your soul permeates glory and gold
Glory and gold
Glory and gold
Always stolen by Mankind to be bought and sold
Bought and sold
Bought and sold