My older sister Nancy and I walk down the street together. In our hands are plastic grocery bags that smell like shame and old onions. We are going trick-or-treating. I know we're getting too old fo ... [+]
I was sad, oh so sad,
All alone in my pain.
Thankfully that was when
The Balloon Lady came.
I had hung my head down
And let out a groan,
When I saw a foot standing
Right next to my own.
I looked up and saw,
To my great surprise,
A friendly-faced lady
In front of my eyes.
"Would you like a balloon?
I've got some with me,
Right here in my wallet.
Hold on, let me see..."
And she held out to me
Three balloons: red, green, blue.
I took happy red.
Wouldn't you choose red, too?
Then, "Thank you," I said
As I looked up to stare
At that friendly-eyed face
With the blond curly hair.
The Balloon Lady smiled
And patted my head.
"You have a nice day,"
Was all that she said.
And then she was gone.
She just disappeared.
And I stood there holding
My small souvenir.
I looked at the thing
And started to grin.
I stretched out a red line
As long as my chin.
I let it snap back.
I took in some air
And filled that balloon
With all my despair.
I let go of the neck.
The balloon made a tweet
And whizzed all around,
Then dropped at my feet.
I picked it back up
And went on my way,
So glad the Balloon Lady
Stopped by today.