Brought to you by...

This national writing contest, co-hosted and managed by the Public Library Association and Short Édition, is funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation as part of the Fostering Creative Community Connections (FCCC) project.

Through the contest, the FCCC project aims to promote reading and literary joy, community engagement, library programs and services, and creative expression from diverse writers through French publisher, Short Édition’s, Short Story Dispensers.

Inspiration for your story

The theme for the FCCC national short story contest is:


Courage is defined as “mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty” (Merriam-Webster). Courage is an essential element to storytelling. It allows characters to confront their fears and persist despite the circumstances.

Courage allows people to do what they’ve never imagined themselves capable of before....

From giving a voice to someone who is silenced, to standing your ground in the face of a dragon, to feeling strong and proud in your own skin, and to making the leap into the unknown: We all take courage.

mountain leaping courage

And lastly, to the courageous writers who go forth to set free their story, take strength in knowing that the literary community supports you. You are fulfilling the mission of the American library: “to preserve our democratic society by making available the widest possible range of viewpoints, opinions and ideas, so that all individuals have the opportunity to become lifelong learners - informed, literate, educated, and culturally enriched,” (Council of the American Library Association, 1999).

Please note, this contest is now closed. The Winner, Runners-up and Readers' Choice selections will be announced December 12th! However, we invite you to vote for your favorite stories from now until December 9th to participate in the selection of the Readers' Choice.