I would have stayed here forever
But they pulled me up from the ground,
And they took shears
... [+]
A young lad not much younger than me and you
Went up to Pa to say thank you
For all the good
... [+]
When children play games, the games become much more than an activity to pass time or something just for fun, games become reality. When I was young, I had a very competitive spirit and a large ... [+]
Age 3 was the age you realized you had a friend. You saw him smile at you every day and told you of the great things you could do. You knew that nothing would be able to separate you and your friend ... [+]
The constellational shapes filled the black void,
small to the naked eye,
but gigantic
... [+]
It's over.
What? No.
Yeah I'm done.
No baby don't do this.
No stop. I've been patient with you long enough. I can't keep going on like this.
Please. Let's talk this
... [+]
sharing breath
with passersby
blind to the beauty
the abundant life
the resolute
... [+]
A young boy no older than twelve sits on a bus at a station. Sitting behind him is a foreigner. Outside the widow are presumably the boy's parents and younger sister. The boy's backpack and durable ... [+]
"i was on fire for you
where did you go
i could've died for you
but you brought in the cold
... [+]
It's all I ask for
You think it's easily given, but
... [+]
We pulled up to the vegan ice cream truck. It was closed.
"What? I swear it said open 'til nine." Ryan checked his phone. "Yeah, see?"
He handed me the phone. It did.
"What do you want to do?"
... [+]
A long-lost hero,
Probably, my long-lasting anti-hero.
An insecure hopeful mind,
... [+]