

Kenna Fry

I would have stayed here forever
But they pulled me up from the ground,
And they took shears ... [+]

Short Fiction


Megan Gibson

Horn rimmed glasses walk in with a jingle of the bell at the door. They scan the room taking in the layered lights and the tiered tables. Jazz floats around the room.
The glasses fall on a small ... [+]

Short Fiction

The Eyes in the Dark

Caroline Storm

When children play games, the games become much more than an activity to pass time or something just for fun, games become reality. When I was young, I had a very competitive spirit and a large ... [+]

Short Fiction

You're Still Here

Ismar Franqui Segarra

Age 3 was the age you realized you had a friend. You saw him smile at you every day and told you of the great things you could do. You knew that nothing would be able to separate you and your friend ... [+]

Short Fiction


Cheuk Lam Chan

I remember when I was a nesting,I would stay in my bird nest and wait for my mom to feed me,my sisters and brothers some sticky earthworms or crunchy crickets.I would say that it was the best time in ... [+]

Short Fiction


Nicole Arch

They tell you she was wearing your shoes. The pinchy black stilettos, the ones with the painted silver heels. The paint is cracking now, and they're a size too small for you, but you never got rid of ... [+]



Nicole Arch

It's the way your words are melody
And your silences, siren songs, luring
Eurydice from the ... [+]

Short Fiction

A Marriage Short Story

Jared Brockbank

It's over.

What? No.

Yeah I'm done.

No baby don't do this.

No stop. I've been patient with you long enough. I can't keep going on like this.

Please. Let's talk this ... [+]

Creative Nonfiction

Czech Tears

Jared Brockbank

A young boy no older than twelve sits on a bus at a station. Sitting behind him is a foreigner. Outside the widow are presumably the boy's parents and younger sister. The boy's backpack and durable ... [+]

Short Fiction


sarz savage

A cylinder rests in the center of a Lake. Not big, nor small, the top just barely visible over the cool of the water. The walls are thin, and it doesn't look solid.

Sotle's out on his raft in the ... [+]

Creative Nonfiction

Fuck the purple lights

sarz savage

We pulled up to the vegan ice cream truck. It was closed.
"What? I swear it said open 'til nine." Ryan checked his phone. "Yeah, see?"
He handed me the phone. It did.
"What do you want to do?" ... [+]



Anna Sze

A long-lost hero,
Probably, my long-lasting anti-hero.
An insecure hopeful mind,
Stings ... [+]

Short Fiction


Alexander Broznitsky

The General's black polished boots clicked across the cold concrete slabs of the prison. It had been decades since he had served as a frontline soldier but his strides still held the memory of those ... [+]