Short Fiction

Typically, But Not Always

Taylor Yamaguchi

Kepler sighed as he sat down at his desk. In the distance, he could hear the bell signaling the departure of the field research ships from the space station. An image of himself in the royal blue of ... [+]

Short Fiction


Erika Puckett

as she sits there quietly
the people moving
through a series ... [+]

Short Fiction

Four Poster Bed

Hablo Tyler

“Martha, stop that dear. You’re being silly.” 
“Yes, mother.” I cease fiddling with my dinner utensils and look outside. I can see the gorgeous garden spread out before me; a large ... [+]

Short Fiction


Tara Malloy

I have sat by you for most of your life. I have loved you for even longer.
When you were first born, it was winter. As the season passed, you grew into your rosy cheeks and big brown ... [+]

Short Fiction

Ghost City

Madison Sasman

The man playing the guitar didn’t want to be famous. He preferred the street corner, ‘cause the crowds paid him no attention, and the liquor store was on the same block. Sometimes he’d leave ... [+]

Short Fiction


Marriya Schwarz

With my tongue flapping in the wind, I saw that the trees I passed were black and white. The buildings were black and white; the sky was black and white; everything was black and white. I’m a ... [+]

Short Fiction

Seeking Green

Olivia Even

The attic was dark and warm. Not a pleasant kind of warmth — the kind of mid-August heat that results in nothing but nausea and misery. The room was stuffy and the ceiling low, which made standing ... [+]

Short Fiction

In The Field

Isabelle Gareis

Chirp chirp chirp,
The birds sang outside, as they overlooked a long green field. The blades of grass grew tall, the sunlight bounced against the leaves, warming the petals of the wildflowers ... [+]

Short Fiction

The Journey

Nathaniel Beardsley

Wind whistled over the barren landscape as the boy climbed yet another hill. He paused for a moment when he reached the top, resting his legs and rubbing his hands for warmth, then pushed his way ... [+]

Short Fiction

Two Halves Make A Home

Sasha Wai

“It’s important to remove the foam,” Natasha said. She lifted her cooking spoon to reveal juicy pieces of salmon underneath a pot of boiling water. 
“I know Mama,” Masha replied in ... [+]

Short Fiction


Veronica Mantha

Curtis died eleven days ago. Farrah died eight days ago. Leah died six days ago. Harry died three days ago. Jerome died yesterday. I was the last, I was next. 
I slide down the embankment to ... [+]