One of the children believes
that wasps can be short-sighted.
She's frightened of them,
so we
... [+]

Susan Oneal
Susan has a First in Creative Writing from the UK Open University. She lives in South London and is currently writing a novel in the Magical Realism genre with a new episode Every Single Day -
She has published two volumes of intriguing short stories (A Jumble of Good Intentions and But How Does It End?) and co-authored an Anthology: Runny Eggs.
Published works
No hurry, maybe tomorrow
A silky warm scent coats the air.
Soft layered rose tutus push
their blush pale skirts
to float
... [+]
Coping with Change
The seventh day in my new flat, I found a worm in the fridge. It was flat, black and dead. I quite like interesting animals, but not this one – it looked remarkably like a leech. Where had it come ... [+]
Harnessing the Unicorn
I reached for the control strip and tapped the edit icon. Immediately, the scene changed to a woodland, dark fir trees casting long shadows beneath a heavy winter sky. For background effect, I added ... [+]