Once in A Pink Moon

The magic of the unexpected is so special because it can come at a time when you need reassurance for your soul. For me, it came on this beautiful day in Kerala, India on April 21st. I was in India because my best friend was getting married, in her hometown to the love of her life. I was honored to be her maid of honor, and this was the day before the 5-day wedding festivities began. I was nervous as this was a big  Indian wedding and I wanted to be the best maid of honor to my best friend. My cousin, Sai accompanied me to the wedding, so I was fortunate to be able to get quality family time and quality friend time. My 4 friends and I flew from Ohio to come to her wedding in Kerala. This was a part of India that I have not been able to experience, so with the wedding festivities, I was also able to see a new part of my country. My best friend gave us some recommendations for sight-seeing, and this was the only day to do so before the wonderful chaos of the wedding festivities began. We planned to go to the Meenakshi Temple, a temple so beautiful that many people from all over the world go to see. Sai told me that seeing the temple at sunset is the perfect time to see the temple as it is the most beautiful then. It was also almost a full moon that day, so to see the sunset, the temple and the moon would be amazing.
We started our 2-hour drive to the Meenakshi Temple. I was so excited to see this historic and stunning temple learn more about my culture and to grow spiritually. On the way to the temple, I stated out loud, that I would love to have some munjalu. Munjalu- is the Telugu word for palm fruit. It is a fruit that only grows in the months of April-May and only in South India. I haven't had the fruit since I was 10 years old. My heart was longing to have some again as it is my favorite fruit. Not even 5 minutes later, Sai pulled the car over. I was confused as to why we stopped and asked why. He said, "There is something in the air for your wishes today" and pointed. I looked out of the car and lo and behold, there was a woman who was selling munjalu. I was so shocked! He bought me as many as I could eat, and we proceeded on our way. It began to rain, and Sai got worried. He stated, "We won't be able to see the sunset now." I don't know how I had the belief or the hope, but without any hesitation, I said, "Don't worry, I know we will see the sunset." He laughed me off. We drove for another hour, listening to Telugu songs and taking in the beautiful sights of Kerala. I then again, wished out loud, "I would love to see a field of lotuses." Sai, smirked and stated, " I don't think we will be able to. We haven't seen any yet." I smiled and nodded. 10 minutes later, Sai abruptly stopped the car. He said, "This is crazy, but look." I looked to my left and it was a lake full of lotuses! The view was breathtaking! The view of the beautiful pink flowers with their petals blooming on the river made my heart so happy. My favorite fruit, my favorite flower, I couldn't stop smiling. The sight made my soul happy. To see the true beauty of nature and be so lucky to see my favorite aspects of it. I felt blessed already and we weren't even at the temple.
We drove more and reached the temple. The architecture and the ambiance made us feel more connected to our roots. As someone who was born in India and moved to the States when I was 6. I craved to feel more connected to my homeland. It had stopped raining, but it was cloudy and the sun was hiding behind the clouds. I could see the disappointment on Sai's face as he loves to travel and see places at their peak beauty. Every traveler does. I reassured him again," Don't worry, let's go see the temple and when we come out so will the sun." We go in, see the temple and marvel at how our ancestors hand carved and built this structure that left us at a loss for words. We prayed and I was so at peace spiritually by just being so fortunate to be in a place that had such meaning and beauty. We walked out and the sun came out from behind the clouds. We sat and watched the sunset and were able to see the temple in its most beautiful form. I nudged Sai and told him, "See, I told you." He smiled back and said, "I can't believe your luck. Things like this only happen once in a blue moon." Funnily enough, the full moon that we saw that night was called the Pink Moon. It felt as if, my country and the Universe were reassuring me that everything was going to be okay. That I was on the right path, and I should enjoy the path that I was on. I was reflecting about this as we were driving back and Sai stated, "Hey, can you ask for one more thing from the Universe? Can we get parking right in front of our hotel building so we don't have to walk?" I laughed and told him, "Don't worry, I wished it. It will be open." And what do you know? The parking spot was open! Sai just shook his head in bewilderment. I wondered why all my wishes that day came to fruition. Looking back on it, I think it was a sign from the Universe that as rare as some things may be, if you look for them, wish for them and believe in getting/achieving them, they may not be as far as you think they are.  

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