The Perfectionism Puzzle

Dear Father, how I want to do
The things I promised thee,
To valiantly proclaim the truth
and fight courageously.

Oh, how I want to thank thee, Lord,
and serve beyond my fears.
And not hold back the gifts I have
to lift and help dry tears.

When fearful, paralyzing doubts,
like fences, bar my way
I will be strong and see the truth
So I can serve today.

Though feeble may my efforts seem
to change the world for good
I won't give up, dear Lord, you'll see
And do all that I should.


To act and not be acted on
when challenges arise.
To boldly stand my ground
when confronting Satan's lies.

To overcome the natural man
through sheer determination
casting out the thoughts I have
to give in to temptation.

I pray that you will help me, Lord,
to complete my quest
But however hard the road today
I'll always do my best.

And triumph as the night draws near,
proud of all I've done
To serve and lift and dry a tear,
Of those whose love I've won.


As I close my morning prayer
I think how pleased my God must be
For my willingness to serve
And be who He needs desperately.

I go about my morning tasks
with airs of expectation
But failing to achieve it all
I soon feel consternation.

I ate too much, I wasted time,
And did not respond kindly
To my neighbor at the door
who accused me blindly.

I left to run some errands late
which put me in a hurry
That led to getting ticketed
from which I lost my money.


Encompassed by my weakness
a tear escapes my eye.
As I recognize my failure
I begin to cry.

And pretty soon I recollect
my ostentatious prayer
Which I had offered in the morn'
with such pretentious care.

Then hopelessly a cloud of shame
settles in my mind.
For I had thought within my heart
that success I could find.

By trusting in the arm of flesh,
assuming the lead role,
In my quest to overcome,
and repay God in full.


Amidst my tears and shamefulness
I had one hopeful thought
That God would understand my heart
if He again I sought.

Dear Father, help me with the trust
which I must place in thee,
and in the quiet still small voice
which gently calls to me.

Oh, how I want to do thy will,
trust thee beyond my fears,
And learn in thy way, my dear Lord,
to lift and help dry tears.

I see that I am nothing now,
without thy guiding hand
And no good thing can come about
without thy sure command.


Then with relief I closed my prayer
and peace rested on me.
For Jesus Christ who did atone
Had died to set me free.

I do not have to prove my worth
or earn my place in Heaven
By checking every little box,
expecting, now, perfection.

It is not "i's" that I must dot
Or "t's" I have to cross,
But loving Him with all my heart
in spite of any loss.

No matter all the good I do
or sacrifice I make
it is not I who can provide
salvation for my sake

For Jesus Christ alone provides
an anchor for the soul,
That one day we can each return
and fully be made whole.