I sang me a song, a tiny song,
A song that was sweet to my soul,
And set it a-float on the sea of chance
In search of a happy goal.
I said to my song: "Go on, go on
And lodge in a tender spot
... [+]
'Tis strange indeed to hear us plead
For selling and for buying
When yesterday we said: "Away
With all good things but dying."
The world's ago, and we're agog
To have our first brief inning;
... [+]
"Madam," said the negro principal of a public school to an old negro woman who was washing, "I wish your boy to attend my school."
"Whose boy?" asked the old woman as she straightened up and
... [+]
The Jackal and the Lion were hunting in the jungle. "Brother Lion," said the Jackal, "the young elephant we seek is a good distance away. Well, it is not so far away either, but you see it will run ... [+]
I feel myself in need
Of the inspiring strains of ancient lore,
My heart to lift, my empty mind to feed,
And all the world explore.
I know that I am old
And never can recover what is past,
... [+]
Alas! and am I born for this,
To wear this slavish chain?
Deprived of all created bliss,
Through hardship, toil, and pain!
How long have I in bondage lain,
And languished to be free!
... [+]
Am I sadly cast aside,
On misfortune's rugged tide?
Will the world my pains deride
Must I dwell in Slavery's night,
And all pleasure take its flight,
Far beyond my feeble sight
... [+]
When on life's ocean first I spread my sail,
I then implored a mild auspicious gale;
And from the slippery strand I took my flight,
And sought the peaceful haven of delight.
... [+]
Oh! for the welcome breath of country air, With Summer skies and flowers, To shout and feel once more the halcyon Of gayer boyhood hours I think the sight of fields and shady lanes Would ease my ... [+]
The sun went down in beauty Beyond the Mississippi side, As I stood on the banks of the river And watched its waters glide; Its swelling currents resembling The longing restless soul, Surging ... [+]
All Nashville is a-chill! And everywhere,
As wind-swept sands upon the deserts blow,
There is, each moment, sifted through the air,
A powered blast of January snow.
O thoughtless
... [+]
The full September moon sheds floods of light,
And all the bayou's face is gemmed with stars,
Save where are dropped fantastic shadows down
From sycamores and moss-hung cypress trees.
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