Classics Classics

Emily Brontë

1818 - 1848

The English novelist and poet, Emily Brontë produced but one novel, Wuthering Heights, now considered a classic of English Literature. This work of art, published under the pen name Ellis Bell, is a highly imaginative novel about passion and hate. We don’t know much about her life because she was the most reserved of the 3 Brontë sisters. Furthermore, she left no interesting correspondance ... [+]

Emily Dickinson

1830 - 1886

The American poet Emily Dickinson and her contemporary Walt Whitman are regarded as the founders of a unique American poetic voice.

As the former lived in seclusion, only ten of her nearly 1800 poems are known to have been published in her lifetime. Her poems are unique for the era in which she wrote because she freely ignored the usual rules of versification. Her work’s main themes are death ... [+]

Emma Lazarus

1849 - 1887

Emma Lazarus was an American poet and essayist. She is best known for the sonnet entitled "The New Colossus" she wrote in 1883. The poem is engraved inside the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty in New York.

Following the immigration wave of the early 1880’s, she stood for persecuted Jews and for Judaism. She also began to work for the relief of immigrants.

Flora Annie Steel

1847 - 1929

Flora Annie Steel was a British writer who lived 22 years of her life in British India. She was interested in relating to all classes of Indian society. She often interacted with women in Indian society, learning about their household keeping, handmade crafts, and collecting folk-tales, of which she published a collection in 1894.

Frances Ellen Watkins Harper


One of the first African-American women to be published in the United States, especially for novels (Iola Leroy, 1892), she was also a poet, an abolitionnist and a suffragist. Very popular and prolific writer, she died at age 85, nine years before women gained the right to vote.

Frank Richard Stockton

1834 - 1902

Frank Richard Stockton was an American popular novelist, short story writer and humorist known for a series of innovative fairy tales for children. In his tales, he "avoided the didactic moralizing common to children’s stories of the time, using clever humor to poke at greed, violence, abuse of power" and other human weaknesses, instead. His most famous fable remains "The Lady, or the Tiger?"

George Marion McClellan


McClellan worked as a Congregationalist minister and as a high school teacher and principal. His writing, generally self-published, addresses religion, nature, and romantic love while only occasionally revealing an emotional struggle against racial discrimination.

George Moses Horton


Known as the "Black bard of North Carolina", G. M. Horton wrote his first collection, The Hope of Liberty (1829), to earn enough money to purchase his freedom, but in vain. He did not become free until 1865, when Union troops and the Emancipation Proclamation reached North Carolina.

H. G. Wells

1866 - 1941

The English novelist, journalist, sociologist and historian, H. G. Wells, had an enormous influence on both his own generation and the one that immediately followed it. Best remembered nowadays for his science fiction novels such as The Island of Doctor Moreau, he was called a father of the genre, alongside Jules Vernes and Hugo Gernsback. He was nominated 4 times for the Nobel Prize in ... [+]