Tobin Eckstein

142Readings on his/her/their works


Image of Melissa FalcouImage of Jordan VBImage of Vida Jurcic

Published works

Creative Nonfiction


Tobin Eckstein

He doesn't look friendly.
Did he assume I wouldn't respond? Did he think that I would take one look at the narrow bifocals balancing at the tip of his pointed, ruddy nose, or glance down at ... [+]

Long Story Short Award 2022 - Creative Nonfiction
Short Fiction

Marin of the Sea

Tobin Eckstein

The strength of the ocean lives on inside of me. Tight-laced panels around my waist will never drain the saltwater from my veins, nor will high-heels ever rid me of my sea legs. I refuse to buckle ... [+]

Long Story Short Award 2022 - Short Fiction