Image of Bozlich B

Bozlich B

Ecrire pour moi est une activité spirituelle du plus haut degré.

L'écriture me donne accès à un monde inaccessible par tout autre moyen, un monde peuplé de Vérités éternelles, de Questions Ineffables et de Beauté infinie.

J'espère que ces histoires permettront au lecteur d'avoir un aperçu de cet univers.

2 796Readings on his works


Published works

Creative Nonfiction

Homage to San Francisco: A Fulfiller of Dreams

Bozlich B

The train takes exactly 12 hours to get from Los Angeles to San Francisco, leaving at midnight and arriving in the high noon sun. This is quite apt in a way, for by making you wait for the good ... [+]

Finalist - Community America: color it in. Summer 2020 - Creative Nonfiction
Short Fiction

America in the Sky

Bozlich B

I remember that day starting off ordinarily enough; there I was playing in the open field not that far from home, the sky azure with hardly a cloud blighting its face.
The lie of the land is so ... [+]

Finalist - Community America: color it in. Summer 2020 - Short Fiction
Short Fiction

A Train's Journey

Bozlich B

I live in a train. I have food, warmth, a place to sleep.
I feel certain that I am its sole occupant, for if there were anyone else on it I would know by now, as I have lived in this train my ... [+]

Finalist - Community Button Fiction Spring 2019