there's a deep void out there

there's a deep void out there
one that people think they can see
but most times they can't
it's found in the moments where everything is right
or in the moments where everything is wrong
or maybe both at the same time
i think what we do when we feel that void
determines a lot about who we are

some let it pass by like a wind
coming and going without a second thought
they look on to the next thing
before they get a chance to embrace it

some fill the void with words
talk endlessly about the void
instead of just listening. waiting.

and some do just that
listen and wait
take in the moment for everything it is
everything it could be
a moment of pure bliss
regardless of the storm outside of the void

the void is powerful
perfect peace, yet perfect chaos
perfect darkness, yet perfect light
ever changing, yet somehow always constant
and the thing about the void
is that i don't know what it is
all i know is
there's a deep void out there