
Image of Long Story Short Award - 2022
Image of Poetry
I imagine how my life would be
If we never met
And we stayed strangers
What if we never spoke that day
And I was kept innocent of all the world's dangers?

I can't help but wonder
Could I have stayed in the dark a little longer?
And could the world still have that colorful glow?
I know they say these things will make you stronger
But I hadn't even had time yet to grow

I imagine how my life would be
If you never had me over
And you never got to have your hand at me
What would have happened if I wasn't as sober
And you continued to ignore my plea?

I can't help but wonder
Could I have prevented it
Or should I have listened to my parents a little more?
Only I'm not the one in the wrong here, not in the least bit
Because you know what you did, and you'd done it before

I imagine how my life would be
If you never touched my skin
And took away the child I used to be
No matter how hard I tried to move on, the memory of you would win
And it seemed like I may never be free

I can't help but wonder
Will the nightmares ever stop
And would I ever feel safe again?
My face was stained with a constant teardrop
But as for the reason why, I was too scared to explain

I imagine how my life would be
If I always stayed silent
And I kept "our little secret" like the ones before
But you were cruel and vile and
I decided I needed to declare war
I can't help but wonder
Could you ever be brought to justice?
Would we ever get our peace?
Would they believe our story and trust us?
Or would the nature of your crimes continue to increase?

I imagine how my life would be
If I had not stood alone
And the outcome wasn't in our favor
Would your actions have continued to be left unknown?
If so, as for your next victim, I like to think our bravery saved her.

I can't help but wonder
How many more victims still see a world so bleak?
Too scared to tell anyone
And unable to speak
I fear this war has not ended... but rather just begun.