Avra Margariti is a Social Work undergrad from Greece. She enjoys storytelling in all its forms and writes about diverse identities and experiences. Avra Margariti's poem, "Sites by the Ocean," was originally published in Short Édition’s October '19 Rendez-Vous.

Image of General Submissions - Rendez-Vous, October 2019 issue

There is a place by the ocean,
a burial site for flesh and steel
where mast meets cross
and mermaid bowsprit conspires
with moss-choked stone angel.

The insects falter in their
primordial dance,
missteps of appendages
and antennae.
They nibble on salt-corroded metal
and nestle in rot-sweet chest cavities.

And there, below the ground,
paying the baffled insects no mind,
the ship and human bones
waltz on.

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