she does not like to speak about feminism

she does not like to speak about feminism
because she loves men
because she has never felt the disadvantage of being a woman
she does not like to speak about feminism
because she doesn't feel oppressed by capitalism
she feels no effects from colonialism
because she lives in kkkanada and her skin colour does not make her a target for hate crimes
she does not like to speak about feminism
because she has never been raped
because she cannot see how mama earth is dominated by sovereignty
she does not like to speak about feminism
because she doesn't know of anyone who has been killed for being gay
because she does not experience
the cyclical pains that come with being indigenous
she does not like to speak about feminism
because her boyfriend is kind
and her father never abused her
she does not like to speak about feminism
because she doesn't live with a disability
in a world that is not made for the disabled
she does not like to speak about feminism
because she doesn't know anyone who needs an ally
she chooses to bathe in her blissful privilege
and turn blindly to her sister's cries
her world is very dreamy
her world is fairly easy
under the palm of the patriarchy
she slips by in this paradigm
she does not like to speak about feminism
so for her
i will speak louder