Her eyes have been open for half an hour now in the darkness of the bedroom. She always prefers to wait for the sunrise. Gently, she removes the thick duvet and seeks out the warmth of her slippers ... [+]
my belly is swollen.
My mother always told me
"Everything in moderation"
as she repented of her gluttony.
The newspaper broadcasts a single uplifting headline
to moderate the heat
of a world burning.
I hear the government,
checked, balanced, moderate,
feasting on forests,
swallowing oceans, regurgitating filth.
I see double
because my eyes are brown,
clouded, like Earth,
not the blue-eyed child i once was,
but brown. So I eat
the plate in front of me,
following the habits of my predecessors.
My swollen belly is moderate
compared to theirs.