
to Mama & Papa

Mum can't hear
She needs care
Dad can't see
He needs peace
Mum can see for Dad
She's good at visuals tho she's like deaf
Dad can hear for Mum
He's good at audio tho he's like blunt
Touchwood if there's a fire
With nobody else there
Mum and Dad can help each other
To escape from the danger
They can be hand in hand and walk together
Mum tells Dad where to flee as she can see tho can't hear
Dad takes Mum's cue as he can hear tho can't see there
They help each other tho they used to argue like forever
Perhaps that's how they raised up six kids altogether
Regardless all the difficulties they encountered
Parents aren't perfect yet work things out for us together
Wish we could always be around to protect, save, and take care of them for what they've done to us ever