She sleeps like a dead weight now beside me, lowered into the night, the ropes of the day swaying around her. We know nothing about each other really. She does not know how often my ex-lover visits me ... [+]
I find you flying by my side
Suddenly colliding with my fears and hopes
How could you be such a selfless soul
Willing to leave everything, for a day, behind
To only see me crossing a door
If only you knew how much I admire
Admire your sensitivity
Your tender smiles
Your hidden laugh
You're the poem I write
But also, an out of this world hero
Of those you told me
You used to write about
I find myself excited
Knowing that you waited for me
To be safe
To go across that portal
Knowing that I will see you again
Knowing that you will be looking forward to that
In the meantime
I want to send you this letter
With a pair of wings attached
In a matter of seconds
After losing myself in your deep heart
You made my soul happy
And caused my heart to do a backflip
In your presence, I can be
Be a bilingual goddess
Rambling about dust
In your presence, I am loved
In your presence
I have surely found a heart of gold