The Questions

In the midst of a village, South of Africa
When we all thought we have done our duty as mourners
Digging the grave, because there was no funeral plan
He died a sinner, from spiritual spell after stealing neighbor's 20 metre fence
Burying the dead, so he can rest
Do sinners rest? maybe our all merciful God had forgiven him
No food for mourners? Yes, the late was poor
They then announced the program to distribute the late's estate
What's there to distribute from a necessitous man?
Our custom dictates that anything the deceased had is distributed to relatives as a sign of respect
Though hungry, we impatiently gathered to witness the process as being coordinated by the headman
Besides being tattered, the rags were few and dirty
No one seemed to like any of it
One of the brothers emerged from the crowd and murmured in the headman's ear
"I am handing over this avocado tree to the youngest sibling Chakwera" the headman announced
OMG! all hell broke loose
The deceased had many blood brothers and sisters
Some of them with well-nourished skin
In an abrupt, well-synchronized voice of strong stance "its not fair" they shouted
‘Had they been speaking with one voice from the beginning
We would be tooth-picking now' said my bench-mate
‘Why him alone, we all need a share, we are all his siblings', they persisted
To everyone's surprise, we were left awe, what an organised family that speak with one voice?
With a sarcastic intention, the headman proceeded
‘OK, I hear you. So (pointing to the tree branches) this one is for Tendai, this one for Tawanda, this one for Tanaka, this one for Richard, this one for Susan and the middle one for Chakwera'
While we thought the headman is very witty, they considered him very clever and an excellent executor
Immediately the crowd went into a frenzy, rumbling a mixture of pragmatic and philosophical questions
Behind my bench, I could hear them murmuring questions on equity, equality and justice
Slowly, the euphoria overtook the sensation of ravenous and fatigue
The faces were now bright, wide smiles exposing discolored teeth, most of which were missing
Only the siblings wore faces that meant business and you could easily identify them by their seriousness
All along, I kept wondering
Is it greedy? Yet they agreed a mechanism to share one tree equally among themselves
Are they clever? if so, why they did not have fruit trees on their own yards
Are they dump? but they know that if we cut and share the branches as wood, they will not benefit much
Is it sustainable, Who will take care of the tree yet alone not stealing from one another?
Is it poverty? this seem to sum it all but some of them looked moneyed (at least from a dorp perspective)
But why, why are you involved? One was brave enough to ask a resplendent lady
‘I want to teach them a lesson', she retorted
Maybe she, herself needs to be taught on how to teach, I wondered
But why, why did the fallen's two children not come into the picture?
Was his estate so tempting that the welfare of the orphans became secondary?
What is wealth?
Can people fight for what is not worthy?

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