Grace drives south on State Street back toward our apartment. We have groceries in the backseat, and there are plants tucked around my feet to keep the soil from spilling as we travel. Grace's new ... [+]
I have come to the creek
to lay down my grief
beside the trees whose roots
creep into the
... [+]
Sometimes, I have trouble understanding people. It is not that I hate them, or even that I think I am better than they are. I just do not know why they do the things they do. I worked at bar once ... [+]
Discordia, goddess of.
I pray to thee humbly.
I ask thee to sow thy seeds of unrest.
... [+]
The vermouth weighed heavy in his hand.
"Honey, help me with my dress."
A cascade of silver teeth interlocked. His fingers grazed over the nape of her neck. Lingering for a moment, he
... [+]
The bathtub's water chills
our feet—placid water,
swirling filmy and dull across
... [+]
A little girl sat surrounded by gloom
Not knowing a soul, not knowing what to do
There were so
... [+]
Once again, I found myself seated under the shade of the imposing stone structure of the train station. Once again, I saw a couple hundreds of people, all moving here and there, all of them looking ... [+]
A mushroom stood short in a forest full of redwood trees that soared high above the forest floor. Two of the white spots on his red cap opened to reveal his dry eyes, ready to cry but no tears could ... [+]
Not sure of where you came from
I find you flying by my side
Suddenly colliding with my fears
... [+]
At first, I thought I misheard. I turned around to see to whom these words may be intended, but the person spoke a second time.
« Hello, my life. »
My eyes crossed hers, and it was
... [+]
When you are born into a burning home,
Every ounce of light seems to be a catalyst.
... [+]
The backdoor slammed as you stormed out. The loud strike of blinds hit the door and caught up to the slam – the last noticeable telling of your previous presence. I sat on the floor. The others ... [+]
The ultimate catch of the midsummer day was not a fish of any sort - it was a child. The youngin wriggled at the end of the line, dumbfounding the fisherman who had caught them. Still, of good ... [+]
A selfish part of me wants you
to die, a quick and painless
death, maybe in a car crash.
... [+]