When Eliana returned to the Phoenix Hotel Yogyakarta that night, she imagined that her grandfather's footsteps on the same floors, in the same hotel, after climbing the same mountain, would have ... [+]
to leave a message to Freya Morris

Freya Morris
FJ Morris is an award-winning writer from the UK and her collection ‘This is (not about) David Bowie’ is out now. She’s been published in numerous publications in the UK and internationally, and shortlisted for a variety of awards. Find out more at www.freyajmorris.com or on Twitter at @freya_j_morris
Published works
Short Fiction
Short Fiction
1 min
Let us blaze
I'm burning. It started with a whiff. Everywhere I went people said ‘What's burning? Can you smell that? Something's burning.' And I caught it. It wasn't like cigarette smoke. It tasted like burnt ... [+]
Button Fiction
Spring 2019