L'espace presse Short Édition


Retour sur un atelier d'écriture avec le Cub'Édito

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Image de Retour sur un atelier d'écriture avec le Cub'Édito

Dans les coulisses des ateliers scolaires de la salle d'actualité

Découvrez les coulisses des ateliers #scolaires de la Salle d’actualité #SDA de la #BD13 !  Retour sur un #atelierdécriture avec le Cub’Édito, un Distributeur d’Histoires Courtes créé par @short_edition
Lisez les histoires créées par les élèves ! 


[JPN] Novels while you wait

Image de [JPN] Novels while you wait
Image de [JPN] Novels while you wait

A vending machine of stories that fascinates the world

And Francis Ford Coppola as well

Japan is often referred to as a "vending machine superpower" because of the abundance of vending machines on every street corner. In Europe, on the other hand, vending machines were not popular because of their negative impact on the landscape and environment. However, unique vending machines have appeared in recent years. In France, there is a vending machine that provides you with stories that have fascinated people around the world.

Charles de Gaulle Airport, the gateway to France, is crowded with tourists and business travelers from all over the world. In Terminal 2, there is a station for trains heading to central Paris and other destinations. People were passing the time in the waiting area. Most of them were staring at their smartphone screens.


[US] Short Story Dispenser delights students at Woodruff Library

Image de emorywheel.com
Image de [US] Short Story Dispenser delights students at Woodruff Library

The Short Story Dispenser acts as a kind of vending machine for stories — a library within a library. (Anna Schwartz / Staff Photographer)

At Emory University’s Woodruff Library, stories don’t just live on the shelves. They exist in The Short Story Dispenser, printed on glossy receipts and dispensed with the click of a button. 

 They exist in The Short Story Dispenser, printed on glossy receipts and dispensed with the click of a button. Students who stroll through the library basement may find themselves face to face with the quirky new machine just outside of Banjo Coffee. 

A metal cylinder with three buttons and a tall glass rectangle with the words “Short Story Dispenser,” the machine’s instructions are simple: “Select, Read, Enjoy.” As of Feb. 13, Emory’s new toy for voracious readers and procrastination-prone students alike has finally arrived on campus. 


[US] Kansas Airport Has A Short Story Dispenser

Image de k1047.com

I like to travel but I’m not a very good packer. Admittedly, I usually forget something and end up having to buy it at the airport or my final destination. That’s usually not a big deal. [...] 

Flying without something to read is unthinkable to me. It used to be that I could count on finding a magazine on the plane, but that’s not always the case now. Since the pandemic, the presence of those in-flight magazines has been hit or miss. Therefore, I have to pick up some reading material at an airport bookshop or newsstand. But if I’m ever flying out of the airport in Wichita, Kansas, I’d have another option: the short story dispenser.

According to the Wichita Public Library, Wichita became one of four cities to receive Short Édition short story dispensers thanks to the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation in 2018. 


[US] TikTok video goes viral showing something at the Wichita airport most people miss.

Image de The Wichita Eagle
Image de [US] TikTok video goes viral showing something at the Wichita airport most people miss.

Wichita engineer Kim Burton, a senior manager in product support for Textron Aviation, was at the Eisenhower National Airport on Wednesday flying out to California to a conference for women in aviation and discovered one of the Wichita Public Library’s sh

Wichita engineer Kim Burton is so popular on TikTok that when asked about views for one video she posted this week, she casually said, “I think we’re at, like, a half million for today.”



[IRL] Henry visits Maynooth University's new Short Story Dispenser

Image de Newstalk
Image de [IRL] Henry visits Maynooth University's new Short Story Dispenser

Maynooth University's new Short Story Dispenser

At Maynooth University Library a new machine can been seen in reception called a 'Short Story Dispenser'. It spits out poetry, short stories and graphics on receipt paper. They last one, three or five mins. Some fun, some serious. The machine was developed in France by Short Editions and is slowly going global at hotels, airports and libraries.

Henry McKean spoke with a short story writer and visited Maynooth University and met the students trying out the machine with the librarians...


[IRL] The Plot Thins – Frank McNally on France’s latest contribution to civilisation: the short-story dispenser

Image de The Irish Times
Image de [IRL] The Plot Thins – Frank McNally on France’s latest contribution to civilisation: the short-story dispenser

The machine dispenses literature, in short story format. Customers can choose from a menu of printed out stories lasting one, three, or five minutes.

Among the facilities on the campus of Maynooth University these days is a small machine that looks it might sell bus tickets to Dublin.

In fact, it dispenses literature, in short-story format. Customers can choose from a menu of printed out stories lasting one, three, or five minutes.

And unlike most vending machines, this one doesn’t charge.


La lecture accessible aux élèves Dys

Image de Les Affiches de Grenoble & du Dauphiné
Image de La lecture accessible aux élèves Dys

Le Cub'Édito est expérimenté dans 17 écoles de la Région

Les histoires courtes de Short Édition ont envahi les rues et maintenant les écoles. La maison d'édition grenobloise a adapté ses distributeurs de récits aux personnes dyslexiques après avoir remporté un appel à projets, lancé par la Région. "C'est dans la continuité de notre logique, qui est de rendre la littérature accessible à tous," détaille Sylvia Tempesta, en charge du développement des produits. 


Découvrez les lauréats du concours d’histoires courtes de Sciences Po

Image de www.sciencespo.fr
Image de Découvrez les lauréats du concours d’histoires courtes de Sciences Po

Inauguration du Distributeur d'Histoires Courtes - (crédit photo : Thomas Arrivé, Sciences Po)

Le distributeur d’histoires courtes du 27 Saint-Guillaume en agrémente le hall central depuis février 2022. Quelle meilleure occasion que l’inauguration du distributeur du campus Saint-Thomas pour remettre leurs prix aux trois lauréats du concours d’histoires courtes organisé par le Centre d’écriture et de rhétorique (CER) de Sciences Po ? 


Des distributeurs d'histoires courtes déployés dans les abris bus et tramway de l'agglomération grenobloise

Image de www.placegrenet.fr
Image de Des distributeurs d'histoires courtes déployés dans les abris bus et tramway de l'agglomération grenobloise

Des abris bus ou tramway sont désormais dotés de distributeurs d’histoires courtes, tandis qu’un service dématérialisé via QR codes est en cours de déploiement. © Jules Peyron – Place Gre’net

Depuis le mois d’oc­tobre 2022, huit dis­tri­bu­teurs d’his­toires courtes ont été ins­tal­lés à proxi­mité d’a­bris voya­geurs de bus ou de tram­way de l’ag­glo­mé­ra­tion gre­no­bloise. Une initiative qui réunit trois partenaires : l’entreprise JCDecaux, le Syndicat mixte des mobilités de l’aire grenobloise (Smmag) et la société grenobloise Short édition qui propose déjà des distributeurs dans plusieurs lieux publics de Grenoble.
Objectif revendiqué de l’opération ? « La promotion de la culture pour tous auprès des citoyens et passagers des transports grenoblois », décrivent les trois partenaires.


La Clinique Pasteur de Toulouse multiplie les innovations pour une meilleure expérience patient

Image de www.hospitalia.fr
Image de La Clinique Pasteur de Toulouse multiplie les innovations pour une meilleure expérience patient

Le Distributeur d'Histoires Courtes à la Clinique Pasteur à Toulouse

A la clinique Pasteur, le patient est placé au cœur du fonctionnement. Et pour proposer une expérience patient la meilleure possible, il faut accompagner sa prise en charge de façon globale, tout au long de son parcours, médical et non médical et prendre en compte le retour d’expérience pour améliorer les pratiques. [...] 


[US] Short Story Dispenser

Image de www.eugene-or.gov
Image de [US] Short Story Dispenser

Short Story Dispenser

Travelers flying through Eugene Airport can now pick up free reading at a new short story dispenser provided in a partnership between the Airport, Eugene Public Library and Eugene Public Library Foundation.
People of all ages can use a touch-free button to choose Local, International, or For Kids options, then receive a free short story or poem printed on demand like a receipt using ink-free recycled paper.