Children's Children's

Here's Ears

Ann Garrett

Elephants use their ears as fans;they're so much bigger than a man's.They scatter pesky flies with ease,and really stir up quite a breeze.This dog is called a Basset Hound.His tummy almost skims the ... [+]


Seasick Vick

Jenny Moore

Vicky was a Viking,
one as brave as brave could be.
On land she was a legend,
but she didn't like the sea.

Boats made Vicky queasy
and the waves made her feel yuck.
She'd rather not go ... [+]


The Balloon Lady

Rebecca van den Ham

I was sad, oh so sad,
All alone in my pain.
Thankfully that was when 
The Balloon Lady came.

I had hung my head down
And let out a groan,
When I saw a foot standing 
Right next to ... [+]


Snoot's Snouts

Ann Garrett

Snoot the Pooch was sad one day.
"I wonder why I look this way.
My nose is doggone commonplace.
It's just so boring on my face."

"I'd feel better, I suppose,
if I could have a brand new ... [+]


The Penny

Lori Khadse

Once upon a time,
in a leather wallet a little torn,
lived a small, small penny,
his spirit just born.

All his life, he watched money come and go,
bills and coins, smooth paper checks ... [+]