Susan is the author of multiple picture books as well as poems and short stories for children. She never passes up the chance for ice cream! "Ice Cream at Bedtime" is in Short Circuit #11, Short Édition's quarterly review.

Image of Short Circuit - Short Circuit #11
Ice cream at bedtime,
Aunt Betty's the best!
She knows in the summer
it's hard to find rest

when faced with hot sheets,
hot pillows, hot bed,
no place cool enough
to lay a hot head.

Instead, we escape,
my aunt grabbing the keys,
and hop in her car
to catch a night breeze.

Next stop: the Drive Thru
where we're chilled to our bones
by soft swirls of winter
in tall dripping cones.

A small secret eaten
beneath the moonlight—
oh, how I love ice cream
on a hot summer's night!

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