I drew a picture long ago—
A picture of a sullen sea;
A picture that I value now
Because it clears Life's mystery.
My sea was dark and full of gloom;
I painted rocks
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'Tis a noble gift to be brown, all brown, Like the strongest things that make up this earth, Like the mountains grave and grand, Even like the very land, Even like the trunks of trees— Even ... [+]
(The Dew-drier)
It is a custom in some parts of Africa for travelers into the jungles to send before them in the early morning little African boys called "Dew-driers" to brush with their bodies
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Hast thou been known to sing, O sea, that knowest thy strength? Hast thou been known to sing? Thy voice, can it rejoice? Naught save great sorrowing, To me, thy sounds incessant Do express ... [+]
Poplars are standing there still as death
And ghosts of dead men
Meet their ladies walking
Two by two beneath the shade
And standing on the marble steps.
There is a sound of music
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All night they whine upon their ropes and boom
against the dock with helpless prows:
these little ships that are too worn for sailing
front the wharf but do not rest at all.
Tugging at the
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The full September moon sheds floods of light,
And all the bayou's face is gemmed with stars,
Save where are dropped fantastic shadows down
From sycamores and moss-hung cypress trees.
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All Nashville is a-chill! And everywhere,
As wind-swept sands upon the deserts blow,
There is, each moment, sifted through the air,
A powered blast of January snow.
O thoughtless
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The sun went down in beauty Beyond the Mississippi side, As I stood on the banks of the river And watched its waters glide; Its swelling currents resembling The longing restless soul, Surging ... [+]
Oh! for the welcome breath of country air, With Summer skies and flowers, To shout and feel once more the halcyon Of gayer boyhood hours I think the sight of fields and shady lanes Would ease my ... [+]
On summer afternoons I sit
Quiescent by you in the park
And idly watch the sunbeams gild
And tint the ash-trees' bark.
Or else I watch the squirrels frisk
And chaffer in the grassy
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Again, as always, when the shadows fall, In that sweet space between the dark and day, I leave the present and its fretful claims And seek the dim past where my memories stay. I dream an old ... [+]