A long time ago, when the world was new, the night sky was a dark void absent of moon or stars. By day, Helios, the Sun God, filled the sky with light as he raced his chariot around the heavens ... [+]
to leave a message to Alex Grehy

Alex Grehy
Alex Grehy's sweet life is filled with narrowboating, rescue greyhounds, singing and chocolate. Yet her vivid prose, thought-provoking poetry and original view of the world has led to her best friend to say 'For someone so lovely, you're very twisted!
Published works
Short Fiction
Young Adult
4 min
Short Fiction
Knitting for Leo
My mother taught me to knit.
Back then, knitting was a necessity, not some artisan craft like it is today. She would get patterns from women's magazines and cheap wool from the market. She
... [+]
Would Like to Meet (WLTM)
What can you do
When your mother states
"You're on the shelf,
Past your sell-by-date"?
... [+]