L'espace presse Short Édition

À la Une 24/10/2017

Short édition réinvente le plaisir de lire

Image de L'Express
Image de Short édition réinvente le plaisir de lire

Petits mots, mais gros succès: déjà près de 150 bornes installées, en France et dans le monde. afp.com/JEAN-PIERRE CLATOT

Non, le papier n'est pas mort! Cette start-up grenobloise distribue gratuitement des histoires courtes dans les lieux publics. Vous avez cinq minutes à tuer ? Et pas tellement envie de tapoter sur votre smartphone ?

Aéroport de Lyon   Galeries Lafayette   Gustave Roussy   Italie 2   Ville de Grenoble  


Short Edition, la start-up grenobloise qui a tapé dans l'oeil de Coppola

Image de Les Echos

Lancée en 2011, la plate-forme littéraire communautaire a inventé le concept de « distributeur d'histoires courtes ». L'idée a séduit Francis Ford Coppola, qui parraine le projet. Coup de projecteur à l'occasion du Salon du Livre.
Ils ont fait des dizaines et des dizaines de photos de l'événement. Lorsque l'équipe de la start-up grenobloise Short Edition, présente à Livre Paris, est venue installer son « distributeur d'histoires courtes » en mai 2016, dans le café de Francis Ford Coppola, à San Francisco, ses membres ont mitraillé les lieux pour immortaliser l'instant.

Ville de Grenoble   Zoetrope   Le Quotidien du Médecin   Le Temps  


[ UK ] Vending machines dispense short stories to bored French commuters

Image de The Telegraph
Image de [ UK ] Vending machines dispense short stories to bored French commuters

A short story vending machine in Grenoble

In a time where progression in every field of human endeavour involves ever smarter phones, virtual reality or colonising Mars, it is of some comfort to hear that a new innovation exciting people across the Channel involves none of the above.

Sncf   Ville de Grenoble   Zoetrope  


[ US ] Dispensing with words

Image de CBS News

Don't have time to read any more? Residents in a town in southern France don't have that problem. Thanks to the startup website short-editions-dot-com 10,000 short story authors have been matched with a community of 150,000 regular readers with time to kill while waiting on line. David Turecamo explains an innovative technology.

Ville de Grenoble  


Francis Ford Coppola donne des nouvelles

Image de M Le Magazine du Monde
Image de Francis Ford Coppola donne des nouvelles

Le réalisateur Francis Ford Coppola a installé un distributeur d’histoires courtes au Cafe Zoetrope, son restaurant de San Francisco. OLIVIER ALEXANDRE/SHORT EDITION

Alors que d’autres figures du cinéma sont à Cannes, Francis Ford Coppola fait la promotion de la littérature à San Francisco.
Le réalisateur a installé un distributeur d’histoires courtes dans son restaurant, le Cafe Zoetrope.

Italie 2   Sncf   Ville de Grenoble   Zoetrope  


[ UK ] Forget Proust: what readers want is a short story machine

Image de The Times
Image de [ UK ] Forget Proust: what readers want is a short story machine

The Alpine city of Grenoble has scored a surprising hit with automatic dispensers that offer free printed short stories

A flight of the imagination is transforming one of the banes of French life — waiting for service in state offices — into an opportunity to immerse oneself in the written word. The Alpine city of Grenoble has scored a surprising hit with automatic dispensers that offer free printed short stories to citizens waiting for their bout with bureaucracy.

Ville de Grenoble  


[ US ] How a City in France Got the World’s First Short-Story Vending Machines

Image de [ US ] How a City in France Got the World’s First Short-Story Vending Machines
Image de [ US ] How a City in France Got the World’s First Short-Story Vending Machines

The city of Grenoble, France, is testing the first models of a local startup’s short-story vending machine.Photograph by Pauline Bock

When Jess Mateychuk entered the tourism office in Grenoble, France, he wasn’t looking for information about the city. “I finally found them!” the twenty-one-year-old exchange student from Winnipeg, Canada, said with excitement. He was referring to the city’s recent cultural innovation turned Internet hit: a black and orange, rocket-looking cylinder that spits out short stories, free of charge.

Butagaz   Département de l'Isère   Orange   Total   Ville de Grenoble   Zoetrope  


[ UK ] Short story vending machines press French commuters' buttons

Image de The Guardian
Image de [ UK ] Short story vending machines press French commuters' buttons

Journey’s the end ... a short story vending machine in Grenoble. Photograph: AFP JP Clatot

A publisher is doing brisk business dispensing free fiction from machines in Grenoble, to help readers make the most of ‘dead time’ on their journeys.
Readers in Grenoble can now nibble fiction instead of vending machine snacks, after publisher Short Édition introduced eight short-story dispensers around the French city.

Ville de Grenoble