
My first semester was over before it started. It was Halloween night and I was finally starting to adjust to college. Life at a small liberal arts college in Ohio was different from my life in the city. However, I eventually learned to enjoy the calmness and small community. I missed my parents in New York, but it was time to grow up. I would see my family soon enough for Fall and Thanksgiving break.
I still had to get better at getting out and meeting new people. I at least had one friend who went to high school with me. Other than her, I'm more so a loner, usually walking around with my earbuds in. I like to listen to podcasts, especially true crime ones. As I walked to the dining hall, I decided to listen to a new episode. This new segment wasn't too pleasing to hear.
"That's right! The Campus Killer has struck again," The first host said. "This is the second college in Ohio to have had a student killed. The bodies of both victims have never been found. Just blood in their respective dorm rooms."
"You know what I'm thinking?" The second host asked. "This is the work of a serial killer."
"There's a chance. Two deaths at Ohio colleges with the victims being female first-years."
"Well, if any lady freshmen are listening out there, get inside your dorms and lock up."
"He's coming..." The first host said jokingly, trying to sound scary. Him and his co-host started laughing.
I ripped out my earbuds. I found it disturbing that two people could just make light of murders. Maybe it just felt more personal being a female first-year. To be completely honest, I was a little scared. It wasn't the first time I had heard about the murders, but I tried to not think of them. 
I finally got to the dining hall and got in line. Afraid to strike up conversation with anyone, I started scrolling through my phone. Everything and everyone around me felt distant. Then, I felt what seemed like the movement of a spider crawling up my right shoulder. I jumped and turned around. It was Taylor, my friend from high school.
"Shit!" I yelled at her for making me jump.
"Why so jumpy?"
"I'm sorry, but I've been on edge hearing about this campus killer stuff going around."
"You really think the killer is going to come here?"
"Why not?" I wondered.
"If there truly is a Campus Killer, they've only gone to the big schools. Ohio State and Kent State. I feel at a small college like this, someone would notice anybody shady walking around."
"I just think that we should still play it safe. We shouldn't be roaming around campus late at night. I mean, at least until more information on these killings are revealed." I tried to convince my friend.
"Or we don't hinder our college experience. Literally nothing is going to happen in this quiet town." She replied like a brick wall.
I gave Taylor a serious stare.
"Okay, I'll take your advice. On the weekdays at least." She added.
I entered the night once again. I always found it quite dramatic to wait in line for 30 minutes just to eat a poorly made burger in five minutes. It was like waiting in line forever for a roller coaster, just for it to last five seconds. Thankfully, my dorm building was a straight shot from the dining hall.
I walked across the crosswalk and got onto the sidewalk toward my dorm. After walking for a little, it sounded like someone was keeping up with me, step for step. I quickly turned around. The sight sent a shiver down my spine. A hooded figure in all black was practically right behind me. The figure was built like a man, but they looked straight down at the ground so I couldn't tell. I picked up my speed and could tell my breathing was quickening.
It still felt like the man was latched onto me. I quickly removed my book-bag and brought it in front of me. As I kept walking sloppily ahead, I fumbled around for some pepper spray. I found where it was and got it ready in my hand. The thoughts of the Campus Killer really got to me. As I got near the entrance of my dorm, I stopped. I turned around quick and flashed the pepper spray at the hooded figure. The figure put his hands up and pulled down his hood. I noticed that he had earbuds in.
"What the hell?" The man shouted.
I felt bad for startling him, but was still confused. "Why are you following me?"
"I'm just going to my car!"
I saw him point at his car. I started to feel a little embarrassed. "I'm sorry to startle you, but you were pretty much stepping on my heels."
"I wasn't paying attention I guess. I was just listening to some music. I'm sorry, didn't mean to upset you."
"No, I apologize. I'm sure you've heard the news about the recent killings. I'm a little on edge."
"No worries. Have a good night."
The man went to his car. I got closer to the dorm entrance. I turned around and watched the man leave, and then just stared at the surrounding area. I felt like an idiot for how paranoid I had become. I took some breaths and turned to open the door. I didn't even have the door open an inch as something grabbed me from behind. Something hit me hard against the back of the head. I lost all my energy, I was overpowered by the figure I had missed in the dark night. After receiving numerous sharp pains, there was no doubt in my mind that the Campus Killer had claimed their third victim.

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Short Fiction
Short Fiction