lavender menace

there's this girl who visits me
i call her Gwen.
i don't know where she came from
but there she was one day
standing in my bedroom.
Gwen wears thick black eyeliner
and tall black boots
her teeth are big when she smiles
and her eyes glow purple.
when me and my friends
play teenagers
i always want to be her
she's seventeen
so much older than me
she knows everything
because seventeen is so old
and she's so pretty.
i want to be just like her
i just want to be like her
she already knows this, of course
i'm not her first admirer
not her first victim
the work of the lavender menace
is nothing new.
she leans in close
presses her nose against mine
and in her eyes
i see her world
my world?
i can take you there
she taunts
let me take you?
and i do.