
Thunder muffled behind night's darkness
Suffocated candle wick
Summer's harshness mellowed by turning leaves
I absorb my sadness into myself
Daylight quieted by moon rise
Damper-softened piano keys
The rain still falls
Pain that belongs to no one but me
Dark circles covered with concealer a shade too light
No one notices but my mirror light
Tears roll behind my empathy
Too-gentle spirit
I will not add my baggage to yours
Strong coffee cut with sweet cream
I absorb my sadness into myself
Mother-shushed child
Softened pumpkins in late November
My optimism only extends so far
The rain still falls
I can carry your burdens if they are too heavy for one
Benzos that ease the pain
Laughter to soothe your tired soul
October begins to whisper
I absorb my sadness into myself
Chords coaxed from the pianist's hands
Sympathy extended with no expected return
Words torn from a broken soul
My dull eyes unseen because of your own reflection
Your pain is mine
Mine is postmarked "return to sender"
The rain still falls
I absorb my sadness into myself
Your dissonance resolves

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Joel Shoemaker

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