Short Fiction


Krista Sanders

“I got Fruity Pebbles,” David says before setting down his load of groceries in the middle of the tiled kitchen floor.
“Cool, thanks.”
He opens the refrigerator door with his ... [+]

Creative Nonfiction

The First Attack

Krista Sanders

Mr. Hazzard called for us to move to the next set. I was glad he got distracted for a moment before calling us to move because I had to break attention to figure out where that was. I located my ... [+]

Short Fiction

The Commodore

Charles Williamson

The quiet that came with being on land was what annoyed the commodore most. A vessel underway had music to it, men and machine moving in time as if playing a symphony with him as the conductor. At the ... [+]

Short Fiction


Caleb Litster

He must have been walking for half an hour before he turned around to go home. He wasn't sure what it was that impelled him to frequent these woods. Maybe it was anger, taking some savage pleasure ... [+]

Short Fiction

The Mountain's not Enough.

Joseph Henderson

Like garden weeds, the worries of Vost Saepe seemed to appear everywhere in his life. They were omnipresent and vicious: in work, in school, with friends, at church. There was no escaping. Before ... [+]

Short Fiction

Dancing Blue

Estelle Bookwalter

You seem disoriented.
It can’t really be helped, what you just went through is pretty shocking. Although, to be honest, it’s actually a minor occurrence in the grand scheme of things. Afte ... [+]

Short Fiction


Mallorie Evans

“Land ahead!”
The guide’s thickly accented voice pierced the heavy, humid air, signaling to his small crew to prepare for a collision with the shore. The sun was starting to peer over the ... [+]

Short Fiction

Koala Customer Service

Dion Sanders

Sent 05/06 2:19 PM
Dear AWPS,
My daughter and I have still not received our koala.
I acknowledge that there may be difficulties ... [+]

Creative Nonfiction


Joshua Wright

“That’s not what I think. You did it on purpose, Peter. You are always like this!” Celia was just able to pull her elbow far enough out of Peter’s rib to give me a coy, expectant glare.
All ... [+]

Short Fiction

The Griot's Tale

Ruel Beresford

I saw my children enter my humble abode earlier this morning, with sullen expressions on their face. I was confused. “What is wrong young ones?” I inquired as they were quite happy yesterday yet ... [+]



Lucy Draper

I remember where everything is without a single photo.
The wall of masks behind that horrid ... [+]