The children don't understand.
The sweets they pine for are not squeezed from the machine with stripes intact. No—they must be painted on, by hand, with so much care. It is almost unimaginable
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Rolli is a Canadian author and cartoonist. His words and drawings are staples of The New York Times, The Saturday Evening Post, Playboy, The Wall Street Journal, and other top outlets. Rolli is the author of the new book of poems and drawings, Plumstuff. Follow him on Twitter at @rolliwrites.
Published works
I Do Not Begrudge the Young
their ocean
of avenues
For I have come
to a conclusion—some
of sand
from which I
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Books are gentle companions. Usually.
Except for that one time I was just about murdered by books.
That was twenty years ago . . .
I didn't know what to do with my
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The Girl in the Tree
Tracy Jo Freely climbed a tree one day. A plum tree. The big plum tree at the end of Miro Street.
"When are you coming back down?" her parents asked her an hour later.
"Never," said Tracy Jo.
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The City of Unknown Poets
If you call on
one evening
in the city
of un-
known poets
we'll talk
not a
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The Bear Under the Bed
Sometimes I can't sleep. That's because of the bear under the bed.
One night, the bear was breathing hard.
When he breathed in, the bed lifted up off the floor.
When he breathed out, the
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One Gum Bubble
All Julie did was toss a piece of bubble gum into her mouth, one day. Honey plum-plum flavor. Her favorite. And then...
That's it.
It may not sound like much
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