Rachael Lee

156Readings on his/her/their works


Image of Melissa FalcouImage of Liz Bellamy

Published works

Creative Nonfiction

flood /fləd/ (v): to cover or submerge with water

Rachael Lee

I used to think drowning wouldn't be so bad. But the cold seeps into your bones and roots there. The waves will sleep with you still. Drowning... it creeps up on you. It slips into your city, past the ... [+]

Long Story Short Award 2022 - Creative Nonfiction

Memorium Pantoum

Rachael Lee

The children here play in sand here
the low tide safe enough for their parents to
let the ... [+]

Long Story Short Award 2022 - Poetry


Rachael Lee

Consider her a threat
tread lightly when she’s near
for everything’s becoming clear, ... [+]

Long Story Short Award Fall 2020 - Poetry