Andrea Lemoins (she/her) was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and now lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Andrea enjoys spending time with family and friends, making zines, writing poetry, collecting typewriters, reading science fiction and exploring her city. "Memoryial" is published by Short Édition as part of Philly Storied City, a city-wide literary project.

In a city of black death, white memoryial cloud clopped to meet me on Broad street. The city, desperately crying itself clean after the murder of Walter Wallace Jr., and I meandering toward myrrh and frankincense for a more intimate ritual.

We, too fragile for this moment. The goddess uncaring, birthing.

I watch water curtain split as a brown skinned white bearded sun breached. Becoming in white coat white top hat, and seated behind grey horses pulling white glass carriage carrying white coffin.

The memoryial trust.

This present futures sight seized my ghost as right hand clawed left breast. Prayerfully, my in-eternal child soothed itself like the sea, and conversed with moon dreamt bones. Moon-sea embraced, and my child emerged from trash ridden puddles glisteningly covered in oily rainbows.

Water birth on North Broad and Dauphin.

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